Written by Abraham Kozlov
American actress and model Charlotte MacKinnie became famous thanks to Instagram, although her path to Internet fame was not easy. At first Charlotte tried herself in the actor's craft, but she didn’t go further than inconspicuous bit parts. Then Charlotte went to the fashion world, but even there her success was avoided. (To be honest, we are amazed: what, people who worked with the girl had a feeling of beauty completely atrophied?)
It was then, fed up with rejection and desperate to achieve fame in the old fashioned way, Miss McKinney resorted to new technologies - began to post her seductive photos to Instagram. Here, the triumph was not long in coming: thousands of new users subscribed to Charlotte every day (now the Instagram model has as many as 1.3 million subscribers).
Success in the web was followed by the success in the real world longed for by a girl: MacKinnie began to invite each other to shoot films for magazines and movies. So, the girl starred in the freshest "Rescuers Malibu." In an interview with American Esquire, Charlotte called herself a “seductive blonde with a huge breast.” It is obvious that in these four words lies the secret of the girl’s well-deserved success.
Back in the spotlight! Although, let's be honest, when she was not in it? This time the reason is not only aesthetic, but also news: Charlotte McKinney, in collaboration with the brand of underwear Wolf & Whistle, launched its own line of underwear. According to Charlotte, the models of her name are designed for "girls with an outstanding bust." And anyone who has seen at least one photo of Charlotte, understands why.
“When Wolf & Whistle contacted my team about cooperation, they stressed that I would have full control over the situation. So it was! I followed all the stages, from drawing sketches to choosing a photographer Mark Skuers ”- this is how the model commented on its design experience. We congratulate Charlotte with the launch of the line and we hasten to look at the models that the star of “Instagram” itself advertises. (Maxim)
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