Maxim - Surely you also wanted to know for a long time how long sex should last, so that a woman feels satisfied and everything suits her. The answer is found!

Sexologist Kristen Mark of Kentucky University conducted a large-scale study, whose goal was to finally calculate how many minutes, from the woman's point of view, sex should continue. The study involved 15 thousand people. And that's what turned out.

On average, a woman should have enough sex to last 10 minutes. But this, we repeat, on average. But ideally, as the respondents admitted, they would like to have sex lasting (and lasting, and - yes, yes, God! - lasted) from 15 to 20 minutes.

Of course, Kristen Mark's research was far from the first. For example, in 2008 a similar survey was conducted by scientists from the University of Pennsylvania. At that time, the optimal duration of sex women admitted 13 minutes.

In addition, all in the same year 2008, Canadian sexologists (together again with the American) also sought to find the answer to this burning question. The result of unremitting scientific research was a study with a catchy title "The presentation of American and Canadian sexologists about the normal and abnormal delay in ejaculation. How long should the sexual act last? ", Which was published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

To do this, curious doctors interviewed several thousand of their patients, who believed that they were all bad with an intimate life. Women complained that sex with them lasts inexcusably little or, on the contrary, for too long (yes, it is difficult for a woman to please).

In the course of interviewing dissatisfied patients, it was revealed that on average, sex lasts from 3 to 7 minutes. And it's also including preliminary caresses! And they just wanted that sexual intercourse lasted 12 minutes. Nevertheless, sex lasts longer than 20 minutes, as all the same unsatisfied women noted, they also did not like them.

So, remember: it's important for you to hold on for more than 10 minutes, but go ahead and pack up to 20! ( Maxim Russia )

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