MAXIM - Day does not pass, so you do not go out on the porch in the morning, do not twist the goat's leg, look into the foggy distance and not think about the fate of Russia, anxiously puffing? Then a series of works "Russia 2046", issued by the creators of the art association MXD, will be close to you and understandable to the trembling!

Here is how Evgeny Zubkov, co-founder of MXD, explains what is happening to TJ portal: "I wanted to create a parallel reality, where hypertrophied images of modern technologies contrast with the Russian reality. For example, an ordinary rural barn turns into a mining farm, and burned video cards upset a farmer more than any bad harvest. "

In MXD, in addition to Eugene, four more authors. "We are doing modern surrealism with references to pop culture and not only. Implant everything into the space, manipulate the images and turn the ordinary landscape into a parallel reality, "Zubkov reveals.

The surrealists in general and Eugene in particular generally have enough cool work. You will see "Russia 2046", switch to Existential Google, and then leaf through the page of the art project in "Contact" to the limit, you will not regret it! And in a prominent place we put a link to the page of Evgeny Zubkov, there is just a collapse of highly artistic darkness. (Maxim Russia)

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