Text: Avraham Kozlov

Her ascension to the model peaks of Vita Sidorkin began in 1994, when she was born in Khabarovsk. At age 17 Vita moved to New York, and since then the only thing she lacks is free pages in her passport. As a popular model, Vita constantly travels around the world, and among its many prestigious employers is Victoria's Secret lingerie brand.

By the way, active professional life does not prevent Vita from building personal: in the summer of 2017 the model married an Italian producer with the Italian name Valerio Morabito.

In March 2018, Vita's career climbed one more step up: the model was shot for the legendary beach app sports magazine Sports Illustrated. Judging by this video, on the set (though, rather, the shooting beach) reigned cheerful mood. Tone set, of course, Vita. We look and are proud.

And here are the best pictures from "Instagram" by Vita Sidorkina - to be proud even more. (Maxim Russia)

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Everyone who knows me or has followed me for long enough, has probably noticed that my weight changes. I have been up and down 10kilos, and no matter what number I would see on my scale, I never felt satisfied. With all of the body shaming in the industry and on the internet, I have been personally going through a hard time accepting myself. For 10years of modeling, it seemed like I was convinced that I was never fitting a standard! For the last year, I have been working on refocusing myself on my personal well being and health. I completely changed my mentality, no longer punishing myself for enjoying life...as I would before and have started to be more kind to my body. Going from overtraining myself every single day for 2-3 hours, to now doing workouts every other day for 1.5hours; going from starving myself and not having healthy attitude toward food, to now seeing food as a source of energy and naturally making healthier choices. With all this being said - shooting SI this year has been VERY special to me as i appeared in my very own HEALTHY, STRONG shape! It was kind of a reward for the battle that I took a chance to complete. For all young models and all women in general-remember there is no career or money that can be more important than your physical and mental health🙏🏻🥑❤ #vitasidorkina #justsaying #feltlikeiwantedtotellthat
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A post shared by Vita Sidorkina-Morabito 🌸 (@vitasidorkina) on

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